North Korean Companies Smuggled Crystal Meth into China and Vietnam

North Korean Companies Smuggled Crystal Meth into China and Vietnam

North Korea's Ministry of State Security (MSS) set up cover companies to smuggle heroin and methamphetamines into neighboring countries including...
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More Bang for your Buck? North Korea’s Fake Dollars Paid for its WMD Program

More Bang for your Buck? North Korea’s Fake Dollars Paid for its WMD Program

North Korea supplied criminal networks, terrorist organizations and other rogue states with millions of dollars of counterfeit bills. Since 1989...
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North Korea’s Elites Import Luxury Goods as Sanctions Bite

North Korea’s Elites Import Luxury Goods as Sanctions Bite

In a blind response to the effect of international sanctions, the North Korean regime elites continue to channel funds towards...
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From Russia to North Korea – Ardis

From Russia to North Korea – Ardis

The North Korean weapons program continues to be Kim Jong Un’s main priority. The ordinary citizens of North Korea are...
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DPRK sanctions evasion brewing in Mongolia

DPRK sanctions evasion brewing in Mongolia

Imagine warming up on a cold evening in Ulaanbaatar with some nutritious food on the 15th floor of the Daco...
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Oil deals continue between DPRK & Russia

Oil deals continue between DPRK & Russia

Here at Pyongyang Papers, we have investigated multiple illicit oil trade deals so the following investigation will be no surprise...
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Korea Chinson General Corporation continue in Africa

Korea Chinson General Corporation continue in Africa

Pyongyang Papers has continued to investigate Korea Chinson General Corporation and their activities in Africa. Our previous article investigated a...
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North Korea secure labor deal in Nigeria

North Korea secure labor deal in Nigeria

North Korean business deals with countries on the African continent is well documented and extensive. Pyongyang Papers has conducted several...
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Nam Un Gyong heading back to the DPRK

Nam Un Gyong heading back to the DPRK

Pyongyang Papers has continued its recent investigations into the illicit money-making schemes of North Korean individual Nam Un Gyong and...
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DPRK continues to build presence in Zambia

DPRK continues to build presence in Zambia

Pyongyang Papers has been investigating more North Korean sanctions breaking activity aimed at making money in Africa. According to the...
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Nam Un Gyong and new beginnings in China

Nam Un Gyong and new beginnings in China

Pyongyang Papers recently reported on a restaurant called the Blue Flower located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and is run by...
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Is the Blue Flower Restaurant extinct?

Is the Blue Flower Restaurant extinct?

Despite UNSCR 2397 which prohibits North Korean citizens from working abroad, it is widely known that there is an extensive...
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Labor deals continue between North Korea & Russia

Labor deals continue between North Korea & Russia

The DPRK are well known for their dishonest, provocative and non-conforming nature. So its comes as no surprise that when...
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On this site you will find a searchable index of individuals and entities with links to North Korea sanctioned by the UN, regional bodies or individual countries. We have also collated information from across the Internet including sourced from the international press, think tanks and pressure groups who have conducted their own investigations into DPRK sanctions evasion.

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