Entity – DPRK UN List
Source: https://www.un.org/sc/suborg/en/sanctions/un-sc-consolidated-list
- General Department of Atomic Energy (GDAE) (a.k.a.)
- Comments: The GBAE is responsible for the DPRK’s nuclear program, which includes the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center and its 5 MWe (25 MWt) plutonium production research reactor, as well as its fuel fabrication and reprocessing facilities. The GBAE has held nuclear-related meetings and discussions with the International Atomic Energy Agency. GBAE is the primary DPRK government agency that oversees nuclear programs, including the operation of the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center.
- Address:
- Street: Haeudong, Pyongchen District
- City: Pyongyang
- Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea