Owned by Liaoning Hongxiang Group Shipping Network, regularly transits DPRK, appears to operate with AIS transponders not functioning for long periods

Cargo ship departed from DPRK, found by Egyptian customs to have 30,000 rocket launchers hidden on board

Previously owned by Senat Shipping which was sanctioned by US. Suspected of illegally trading with DPRK

Involved in smuggling weapons and observed sailing from Dalian (China) to DPRK then to Iraq and UAE with weapons for Syria and Iraq

Chartered by a Taiwanese company, carrying 600 tonnes of oil products from South Korea, it transferred part of its cargo to a North Korean vessel

MV Light intercepted between DPRK and Myanmar carrying missile components

Chong Chon Gang seized in 2015 for smuggling weapons for OMM, now renamed

Sanctioned Ship – DPRK3 US Treasury Sanctions List

Source: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx


  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Vessel Flag
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210 Secondary sanctions risk:
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214 Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:


  • Vessel Registration Identification: IMO 9361407


Sanctioned Ship – DPRK4 US Treasury Sanctions List

Source: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx




  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210 Secondary sanctions risk:
  • General Cargo: VESSEL TYPE
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214 Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:


  • Vessel Registration Identification: IMO 9010022


Sanctioned Ship – DPRK4 US Treasury Sanctions List

Source: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx


  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210 Secondary sanctions risk:
  • General Cargo: VESSEL TYPE
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214 Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:


  • Vessel Registration Identification: IMO 9015278
