APT38 is a cyber revenue generation team known to launder money through btc-x.eu.

  • Location: Sinuiju, DPRK
  • Reports to: Reconnaissance General Bureau
  • Members: Specially assembled from across the Reconnaissance General Bureau
  • Attacks conducted:
    • 5Dimes, US
    • Melita Bank, Malta
    • HFC Bank, Ghana
    • Central Bank of Liberia
    • Cosmos Bank, India
    • Banco de Chile, Chile
    • Redbanc, Chile
    • TPBank, Vietnam
    • Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh
    • Far Eastern International Bank, Taiwan
    • Bancomext, Mexico

Sanctioned Entity – DPRK2 US Treasury Sanctions List

Source: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx




  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210 Secondary sanctions risk:
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214 Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:
  • Location:
    • area: Russia
    • CITY: Moscow


  • Tax ID No.: 7701080141
  • Registration Number: 1197746161711


Sanctioned Entity – DPRK3 US Treasury Sanctions List

Source: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Pages/default.aspx


  • tornado.cash: Website
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  • 0x47CE0C6eD5B0Ce3d3A51fdb1C52DC66a7c3c2936: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x910Cbd523D972eb0a6f4cAe4618aD62622b39DbF: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xA160cdAB225685dA1d56aa342Ad8841c3b53f291: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xD4B88Df4D29F5CedD6857912842cff3b20C8Cfa3: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xFD8610d20aA15b7B2E3Be39B396a1bC3516c7144: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x07687e702b410Fa43f4cB4Af7FA097918ffD2730: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x23773E65ed146A459791799d01336DB287f25334: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x22aaA7720ddd5388A3c0A3333430953C68f1849b: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x03893a7c7463AE47D46bc7f091665f1893656003: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x2717c5e28cf931547B621a5dddb772Ab6A35B701: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xD21be7248e0197Ee08E0c20D4a96DEBdaC3D20Af: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x4736dCf1b7A3d580672CcE6E7c65cd5cc9cFBa9D: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xDD4c48C0B24039969fC16D1cdF626eaB821d3384: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xd96f2B1c14Db8458374d9Aca76E26c3D18364307: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x169AD27A470D064DEDE56a2D3ff727986b15D52B: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x0836222F2B2B24A3F36f98668Ed8F0B38D1a872f: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x178169B423a011fff22B9e3F3abeA13414dDD0F1: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x610B717796ad172B316836AC95a2ffad065CeaB4: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xbB93e510BbCD0B7beb5A853875f9eC60275CF498: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0xd47438C816c9E7f2E2888E060936a499Af9582b3: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x330bdFADE01eE9bF63C209Ee33102DD334618e0a: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x1E34A77868E19A6647b1f2F47B51ed72dEDE95DD: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xdf231d99Ff8b6c6CBF4E9B9a945CBAcEF9339178: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0xa5C2254e4253490C54cef0a4347fddb8f75A4998: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0x3aac1cC67c2ec5Db4eA850957b967Ba153aD6279: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x723B78e67497E85279CB204544566F4dC5d2acA0: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x0E3A09dDA6B20aFbB34aC7cD4A6881493f3E7bf7: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x76D85B4C0Fc497EeCc38902397aC608000A06607: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xCC84179FFD19A1627E79F8648d09e095252Bc418: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xD5d6f8D9e784d0e26222ad3834500801a68D027D: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x407CcEeaA7c95d2FE2250Bf9F2c105aA7AAFB512: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x833481186f16Cece3f1Eeea1a694c42034c3a0dB: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xd8D7DE3349ccaA0Fde6298fe6D7b7d0d34586193: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x8281Aa6795aDE17C8973e1aedcA380258Bc124F9: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x57b2B8c82F065de8Ef5573f9730fC1449B403C9f: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0x94Be88213a387E992Dd87DE56950a9aef34b9448: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x242654336ca2205714071898f67E254EB49ACdCe: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x776198CCF446DFa168347089d7338879273172cF: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xeDC5d01286f99A066559F60a585406f3878a033e: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0x94C92F096437ab9958fC0A37F09348f30389Ae79: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0xb04E030140b30C27bcdfaafFFA98C57d80eDa7B4: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x77777feddddffc19ff86db637967013e6c6a116c: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x3efa30704d2b8bbac821307230376556cf8cc39e: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x746aebc06d2ae31b71ac51429a19d54e797878e9: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xd90e2f925DA726b50C4Ed8D0Fb90Ad053324F31b: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x5f6c97C6AD7bdd0AE7E0Dd4ca33A4ED3fDabD4D7: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0x58E8dCC13BE9780fC42E8723D8EaD4CF46943dF2: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x01e2919679362dFBC9ee1644Ba9C6da6D6245BB1: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x2FC93484614a34f26F7970CBB94615bA109BB4bf: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x26903a5a198D571422b2b4EA08b56a37cbD68c89: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xB20c66C4DE72433F3cE747b58B86830c459CA911: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0x527653eA119F3E6a1F5BD18fbF4714081D7B31ce: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x653477c392c16b0765603074f157314Cc4f40c32: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x88fd245fEdeC4A936e700f9173454D1931B4C307: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x09193888b3f38C82dEdfda55259A82C0E7De875E: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x5cab7692D4E94096462119ab7bF57319726Eed2A: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x756C4628E57F7e7f8a459EC2752968360Cf4D1AA: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x722122dF12D4e14e13Ac3b6895a86e84145b6967: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x94A1B5CdB22c43faab4AbEb5c74999895464Ddaf: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xb541fc07bC7619fD4062A54d96268525cBC6FfEF: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xD82ed8786D7c69DC7e052F7A542AB047971E73d2: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xF67721A2D8F736E75a49FdD7FAd2e31D8676542a: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x9AD122c22B14202B4490eDAf288FDb3C7cb3ff5E: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xD691F27f38B395864Ea86CfC7253969B409c362d: Digital Currency Address – ETH
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  • 0xA60C772958a3eD56c1F15dD055bA37AC8e523a0D: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xBA214C1c1928a32Bffe790263E38B4Af9bFCD659: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xb1C8094B234DcE6e03f10a5b673c1d8C69739A00: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0xF60dD140cFf0706bAE9Cd734Ac3ae76AD9eBC32A: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • 0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16: Digital Currency Address – ETH
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210 Secondary sanctions risk:
  • North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214 Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:

Sanctioned Entity – DPRK EU Sanctions List

Source: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/fsd/fsf

The Korea International Exhibition Corporation has assisted designated entities in the evasion of sanctions by hosting the Pyongyang International Trade Fair which provides designated entities with the opportunity to breach UN sanctions by continuing economic activity.


  • Name: Korea International Exhibition Corporation

Sanctioned Entity – DPRK EU Sanctions List

Source: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/fsd/fsf

The GBAE is responsible for the DPRK’s nuclear programme.


  • Name: General Bureau of Atomic Energy
  • Addresses:
    • Haeudong, Pyongchen District, Pyongyang, KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF


  • General Department of Atomic Energy
  • GDAE
  • GBAE